

Hey I’m oBx, I’m an Advanced Script Kiddie or StackOverflow Dev and I love to write Offensive Tools in C, Rust, java, go and Assembly, Sometimes i pwn boxes for fun the other times i just find low hanging fruit bugs or fix them!. Currently a cybersecurity student at FUTMX. My favourite tech fields are pentesting(cloud/web/AD/hardware), forensics, malware analysis, exploit development, embedded hacking & anything full-stack development.

Being passionate about computer security, I practice during my free time various activities in the field. I’m founder and a member of the R3syst CTF Team. We participate in various CTFs throughout the year whether they are online or on-site and always do security feeds and tech reviews on youtube :XD .

Apart from CTF, I like to play around malware samples from virustotal & any.run, also hunt for binary, cloud, chrome v8 and web/web3 based bugs on ethical hacking platforms, make security tools on github, build my command and control botnet mobile app,create cgi 3d models for sale, freelance for fullstack development jobs & most times do security research learning on hardware based and cloud devices(IOT).

This is a non-exhaustive list of certifications and courses I have taken.

Outside of cybersecurity and 0s & 1s, I am also passionate about other things. I’m interested in visual effects & character animations as a whole. In fact, I often take few times once in a week to make a rig and model a character for my short movie.

I speak 5 languages, my home language,english, spanish, french, a bit of mandarin and russian(Хах). I love to explore and learn new things, not always a traveler but a settler :)

Finally, space is a field in which I’ve always been fascinated by. That said, I wasn’t that good in high school when it came to solving physics equations. :P. Been retaking physics courses online and have been gathering new vast knowledge on life.

I plan to pursue in the field of security research and digital forensics. My goal, as big as it may be, is to drive creativity and abstract thinking forward, and more specifically the field of cyberoperations by contributing to the community and improve IT security.

“The most stupid things have the best outcomes.”